Jason G. Fleischer
Assistant Teaching Professor in Cognitive Science @ UC San Diego

CSB 257
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0515
My goal is to facilitate students developing a passion for learning, and the skills to support it. If you have questions or need mentorship I’m here to help. You can email me or schedule an appointment in my office hours.
I use machine learning and statistical modeling to extract knowledge from complex datasets where it is difficult to directly measure the process of interest. Working in close conversation with domain experts and literature, I make computational models that provide insights and new ways to interpret experimental data. I apply this approach to (1) study the neural processes underlying episodic memory, working memory, and consciousness; (2) analyze relationships between human health, behavior, aging, and various biomarkers; and (3) investigate racial disparities in policing and the justice system.
For more information take a look at publications and projects.
semi-random things about me
I’m a dad to two kids; one is chest high to me, and I’m only shoulder high to the other. The water fountains in my small town Colorado high school were usually plugged with chewing tobacco and I can saddle a horse. My first computer’s OS was CP/M. I think detective fiction is really about philosophy and the search for truth. I play soccer, if you need an aging full back or midfield destroyer hit me up. My academic career has been everything except straightforward, if you need career advice or an ear hit me up. I’ve squashed horse cadaver legs in a materials testing machine for science. I’ve been mugged. Frankly, I preferred the latter.
Jul 1, 2022 | Congratulations to undergraduates Jiayi (Viki) Zhao, Samuel Chu, Scott Yang, and Tyler Tran for obtaining scholarships for 2022 summer research in our lab! |
Apr 1, 2022 | We have received two grants from UCSD this year! Big thanks to the generous support of the Dean of Undergraduate Education John Moore and the CDIIP program for funding “Equity-based project group management tool integrating Canvas and Github”. And a huge, heart-felt thank you to Associate Dean Amanda Datnow and the Division of Social Sciences program Advancing Racial Justice for funding “Analysis of racial disparities in criminal charges, convictions, and sentencing within San Diego County”! |